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Trace Mineral Nutrition 
• As animal production becomes more advanced, so does animal nutrition. Nutritionists, veterinarians and livestock poultry producers are focusing more attention on trace mineral nutrition.
Differences in Trace Minerals 
• Today there are many trace mineral forms to choose from and the decision is confusing. Zinpro Corporation, the leader in trace mineral nutrition, offers this simple guide to demonstrate major differences between many of the products.
Categories of Trace Minerals 
• Essentially there are three categories of trace minerals to select from: 
1) Zinpro Performance Minerals 
2) Other Organic Trace Minerals 
3) Inorganic Trace Minerals
• Factors such as Solubility, Absorption and Bioavailability are important. “Complexing” is the extent to which any nutrient is attached to an organic molecule or “escort.” This process allows it to pass through the intestine, into the bloodstream and on to the tissues and organs for utilization. 
• If a trace mineral does not properly attach to an organic molecule, it won’t be absorbed, which is often the case with inorganic minerals and poorly complexed organic trace minerals.
Animal Performance/Research 
• The only method for determining the effectiveness of any true mineral product is to evaluate actual animal performance. Companies selling organic trace minerals should provide a large database of quality animal research studies, well replicated, statistically analyzed and conducted with highly qualified researchers.
SPerformance Minerals 高效能矿物质
Metal Amino Acid Complex
Metal amino acid complexes result from complexing a specific soluble metal salt (such as zinc, copper, manganese) with an amino acid.
Zinpro Corporation is the first, most successful company to manufacture metal amino acid complexes for livestock and poultry diets. Availa®Mins are designed to give livestock and poultry producers a highly efficacious and cost-effective source of organic trace minerals. These metal amino acid complexes are manufactured using a proprietary process containing only free amino acids. The free amino acids are then complexed in a one-to-one ratio—one amino acid molecule bonded to one metal ion. 
This unique technology is used in all Zinpro trace mineral complexes to ensure maximum bioavailability for improved animal performance.
Metal (Specific Amino Acid) Complex
Metal specific amino acid complexes result from complexing a soluble metal salt with a specific amino acid. Zinpro Corporation dominates the world market in the manufacturing, researching and marketing of these mineral complexes.
Metal specific amino acid complexes combine a single, known amino acid with a single metal ion to form specific chemical entities such as ZINPRO® zinc methionine. The end product is a new molecule containing one ion of the metal zinc and one molecule of the amino acid methionine.
The primary benefit of ZINPRO zinc methionine is improved absorption and bioavailability of the trace mineral zinc. Research demonstrates a similar response in bioavailability between Availa-Zn zinc amino acid complex and ZINPRO zinc methionine.
Metal Proteinate
Metal proteinates result from the chelation of a soluble salt with amino acids and/or partially hydrolyzed protein.
The final product may contain single amino acids, dipeptides, tripeptides or other protein derivatives. Research has shown that interaction with other dietary ingredients may render proteinates unavailable for absorption and thus less bioavailable to the animal. Often, the resulting mixture is bound too weakly to withstand the environment of the digestive tract. Metal proteinates are not a defined chemical entity. These types of products tend to vary from one manufacturing batch to the next.
Metal Amino Acid Chelate
Chelates are formed from the reaction of a metal ion from a soluble metal salt with amino acids having a mole ratio of one mole of metal to one, two or three (preferably two) moles of amino acids forming a coordinate-covalent bonds. Historically these were made up of different amino acids and were not very soluble. Recently, some of these products have shifted to metal glycinates. Due to the glycine molecule being the only amino acid with no side chain, absorption is severely limited. Also, the process often leads to a mixture of products of which the performance and absorption properties are unknown.
Metal Methionine Hydroxy Analog
Metal methionine hydroxy analog is the product formed with one metal and two MHA molecules. It is a very insoluble complex. Zinpro holds the patent on the metal MHA complex with a one to one ratio (one metal to one MHA molecule). Zinpro did not pursue this ligand due to the low stability of the hydroxy acids complex. With the low stability and poor solubility of this product, you would either have an insoluble form that could not absorb or a dissociated form that would provide a dissociated metal ion like inorganic salts.
Metal Polysaccharide Complex
Metal polysaccharides result from complexing a soluble salt with a polysaccharide solution. There is limited published research of metal polysaccharide complex use. Also, the product is more of an organic mineral matrix without any chemical bonding between the mineral and the polysaccharide.
Metal Propionate
Although not new to the feed industry, metal propionate research is limited. First recognized in 1891, metal propionates are the result of combining soluble metals with soluble organic acids. Resulting products are highly soluble and generally disassociate in solution, leaving them unavailable for efficient absorption into the animal.
Improved genetics and increased production requirements are placed on animals in today’s competitive environment. Nutritional demands are higher as well. More producers are realizing the importance of trace mineral nutrition to improve productivity and performance.
With all the different sources of trace minerals on the market today, it is easy to confuse the method by which they are manufactured. However, it is critical not to confuse which products result in improved animal performance.
With all the different sources of trace minerals on the market today, it is easy to confuse the method by which they are manufactured. However, it is critical not to confuse which products result in improved animal performance.
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