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文章转载自  双语君 21世纪英文报





A recent survey conducted by China Youth Daily shows that more than half of the interviewed young adults expressed a decline in their language and communication abilities over the past few years. A significant 47.1% reported feeling a lack of vocabulary and limited expression skills.




The survey highlighted cases like Li Sichao, a postgraduate student at a university in Nanjing, who struggles during presentations, especially during the question-and-answer sessions. Li mentioned instances where he had the right words on the tip of his tongue but found it challenging to articulate his thoughts coherently, leaving him with a lack of confidence.




During a family gathering over the Chinese New Year, Li faced a momentary lapse in his ability to articulate thoughts, despite having a lot to say. He expressed frustration at not being able to complete sentences, a phenomenon he attributed to the decline in his language skills.




Another individual, Liu Yuan, working in Hangzhou, shared his experience of relying on the internet for assistance when forgetting how to write certain characters. Liu attributed the decrease in his language expression skills not only to communication challenges but also to difficulties in drafting written content for work.






What causes the wordless phenomenon? The survey results pointed to factors such as not reading enough, weakened expressive abilities, excessive reliance on internet language and emojis, lack of creativity, fragmented information browsing, and difficulties in forming systematic thinking. All these factors were identified by over half of the respondents.




Liu Yuan pointed out that the internet has transformed the way people speak and write, with input methods simplifying the output of text. This, he believes, has led to a decline in memorization.






Wang Yufei, a post-2000 generation individual from Hefei, relies heavily on online communication with friends, where emojis often substitute for words. While convenient online, she finds face-to-face communication challenging, expressing concerns about saying something incorrectly with no option to "undo."






The decline in language expression is seen by some experts as a real issue in the era of the internet. Zheng Huanzhao, associate professor from Jinan University's Chinese department believes that while internet technology has brought convenience, it has also deeply influenced people's ways of thinking, their values, and their methods of expression.




To address the issue, Zheng suggests starting by improving the online language environment. He emphasizes the need to enhance the quality of online content, especially in terms of language accuracy, richness, and aesthetics.




Additionally, he recommends guiding various internet media outlets to standardize language expression, taking on the responsibility of cultural and aesthetic guidance.




Professor Guo Xiao'an from the School of Journalism at Chongqing University advises young people to enrich their cultural knowledge, enhance cultural appreciation, and pay attention to text norms. Recognizing the importance of online trends, he encourages guiding the younger generation to play with internet slang while also promoting necessary text norms, ultimately cultivating and improving their fundamental language skills.





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